
Showing posts from April, 2018

Then She was Gone by Lisa Jewell

Then She was Gone by Lisa Jewell. Laurel, whose life is forever changed when her teenage daughter mysteriously vanishes on her way to the library. Ellie going missing was just the catalyst for the falling apart of what Laurel has come to know as her life. She loses all of the close relationships as she mourns the loss, and the lack of closure she has gotten over the past 10 years of Ellie's disappearance. Ellie was your typical teenage girl. Ellie has her typical teenager stresses, such as studying for exams, and home troubles. One day on her way to the library to study for her upcoming exams, she vanishes without a trace. No body discovered and there is no concrete evidence of foul play in the disappearance of Ellie Mack. After ten years missing the police are forced to contact Ellie’s parents to relive all the known facts of the case, when Ellie’s schoolbag that she was using at the time she went missing is found in the wilderness. The many years of loss left Laurel in

Still Water by Amy Stuart

Still Water by Amy Stuart I initially picked up the first book of this series before reading Still Water, I picked it up so I could get the entire intended experience of the series. Still Water is the second installment of the Still Series by Amy Stuart. This book begins with Clare on the run again after the ending of her previous case in Blakemore where Shayna Fowls has gone missing. After Shayna Fowls is found in Blackmore alive and well, Malcolm manages to convince Clare to escape most of the media before it ramps up, exposing Clare and her location to her friends and family from her previous life. Clare and Malcolm spend the next few weeks in a motel where Clare can recover from the gunshot wound she received in the Blackmore mines. Once she has mostly recovered Malcolm sends Clare is to the small town of High River with a new identity, and a new mission. In High River, Sally Proulx and her son William have vanished overnight, without a trace. Police have no leads, only an eye w

Still Mine by Amy Stuart

  "My sharpest memories are the dark ones"  -Sill Mine by Amy Stuart Amy Stuart's Sill Mine is an unstoppable book. This book is about the mystery of missing Shayna Fowles. Shayna was the typical teenager up until she finds herself getting mixed up with Charlie Merritt. Clare O'Callaghan (O'Dey), a woman with a pretty spotty past who's on the run from her abusive husband. After the loss of her unborn child through physical, and emotional abuse from her husband, on top of Clare’s substance abuse, Clare decides enough is enough. One day she just vanishes from her previous life, and changes her identity.  Clare’s husband hires Malcolm Boon to aid in helping to find Clare. Once Malcolm manages to catch up to Clare, rather than reporting back to Clare’s husband Malcolm makers Clare an offer to work for him. Clare hesitantly accepts Malcolm’s offer and is sent to the small mining town of Blakemore, where a young woman named Shayna Fowles has vanished without a tr

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood, The Lost Letter by Jillian Cantor

I spent the first portion of 2018 reading The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. This is a classic that insites the underlying feminist movement in any individual.I found as I read further into the book, the more I got into it. I throughly enjoyed loved this book. I gave this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5. I felt a little lost in the beginning of the book, attemptinf to try to figure out what the rules are, and the reationalization for the way that society had become. This books is a CLASSIC, you Cannot go wrong with it, I would absolutely recommend this book to my friends. Once I finished the Handmaid's Tale, I moved one to the main genre so far of 2018. The main genre that I have most recently fallen in love with, and ot happens to be historical fiction (mainly focussing on WWII). For some reason the under dog story of any resistance toward the Nazi rule during 1935-1945 has been turning my crank for the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. This is when I decided that I would read &

The Red Sparrow Trilogy By Jason Matthews

After I finished Jillian Cantors The Lost Letter I picked up Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews. The first book of the Red Sparrow trilogy. I rated this book ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 on my goodreads account which generally means that the book couldn't get much better, but usually lacking an emotional connection with the book. When I finished this series, I didn't have to tame time before choosing the next book to read. I'm not usually one to pick up a present day espionage book, let alone take on a trilogy. What really had me is that I kept seeing all of the trailers for the first movie. Once I ackowledged that it was going to be a movie I couldn't seem to get away from the book reviews. From there I was hooked, and I kmew that I had to read the books before they became films. I could have just waited and watched the movie when it came out, but the adaptations are never as good as the book is. Nathaniel Nash the rising CIA handler of high value informants within the Russian intelligence

Bobbi Ann Mason-The Girl in the Blue Beret

The Girl in the Blue Beret By Bobby Ann Mason. Marshall Stone, an ex-pilot forced into retirement from his commercial airline. Stone decides after he no longer has any obligation to the airline, that he is going to get in touch with the various individuals who helped him and his air crew escape German occupied France. Marshall was one of the pilots who flew a bomber for the allies during the Second World War. On a return mission Stone and his crew are shot out of the sky, and are forced to initiate and emergency landing. Once on the ground in France, the surviving crew attempt to escape the German forces. Along with the aid of the surrounding villagers the crew manage to evade capture, and return home. This book was a difficult read for me, it was the complexity of the reading, but it was the dryness and the story itself. On my Goodreads account I gave this book ⭐⭐/5. I think one of the fatal flaws of this book for me was Marshall Stone’s character. Stone is obsessed with every

The Beginning of the Kobo Kono.

This is a blog. It's nothing special, nothing fancy. Just a place on the internet that I can call my own. What's the plan? Well this is a web page in which I plan to review the various books, quotes, and various authors that I manage to stumble across. I do use goodreads , but I think that it's not the right type of platform for me to post my thoughts and ideas of the books that I read. I know its a site for reviews, but there isn't really much that can be done once the star rating, and the review is posted. I actually mostly use good reads to get recommendations to build an ever growing and never stopping monstrosity of a to be read shelf. Currently I believe the to be read count is at about 530. I don't think I will end up reading through all the books, but it's a place to start. in retrospect I suppose what I was really looking for is somewhere to do my own thing... well.. here it is.... and here we go. :D