Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

To be absolutely honest, I didn’t even know of this books existence, but I picked this one up because it was recommended to me by a fellow mystery thriller addict.

I am by no means disappointed in this book. I’m finding that I am having a hard time putting this book down. With every twist and turn, this book is leaving my voracious appetite demanding more. I am a little worried what’s going to happen when I finish the book, am I going to find myself needing more than what’s to be consumed? I suppose that’s a problem that will have to be sorted out by future me.

Now that I have actually finished this book, I have found it was amazing from beginning all the way to the end. I consumed this book way too quickly for my own good, I rated this book 4/5 on my goodreads account. Some of the twists and turns I feel were a little obvious. By no means does that mean that I saw all of them coming. There were certainly times where I had to put the book down for a minute to attempt to process what I had just finished reading.

What the book’s about.

The story follows Jules who has come across hard times in her personal, financial, and professional life. She comes home after finding that she lost her job to find her boyfriend Andrew, in bed with another woman. Jules storms off on her own to try and rebuild the ratchet mess of a life that she has. She finds an ad online that’s advertising for an apartment sitter that happens to be in one of the most prominent and mysterious buildings in New York, the Bartholomew. Along with the outrageous payment for the three month stay, comes and interesting set of ‘house rules’ which include having to spend every night of the stay in the apartment, and not being able to have any outside guests over. Of course Jules accepts the terms and conditions of the employment since she has found herself in a tight life situation financially. It’s after a few nights of staying at the Bartholomew that Jules meets another apartment sitter (Ingrid), and they become an awkward fast friends. The story seems really take off when Ingrid disappears overnight, literally seems like moments after Jules checks on Ingrid.

Literally if you haven’t read this book yet, then you should see if you can get your hands on a copy. This is literally the book that pulled me out of my reading slump this year.

8/10 would recommend to a friend… well actually I already did when I was halfway through. Enjoy!

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