
Showing posts from 2019

The Parisians by Marius Gaberiel

This book wasn't my typical historical fiction, World War II resistance fighters sort of story. This book was for sure considered a slow burning book. I spent so much time while reading this book, wondering when things are going to get a little more spicy. I was unfortunately a little disappointed with the results. With that being said though I still managed to get my way through the book (took a little longer than expected),but I also never experienced a moment while I was reading this book where I had to talk myself out of quitting reading this one and move on. So it was okay for me.      So after the many mixed emotions I have toward this book I gave it a standard 3/5 stars on my good reads account. Reflectively meaning it's not the worst book in the genre I have read, but I felt it wasn't anything to run to all my fellow readers and become the Opra of this book. (YOU GET A COPY. YOU GET A COPY. WE ALL GET COPIES!!!).         So the story follows Oliva Olsen a

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager

To be absolutely honest, I didn’t even know of this books existence, but I picked this one up because it was recommended to me by a fellow mystery thriller addict. I am by no means disappointed in this book. I’m finding that I am having a hard time putting this book down. With every twist and turn, this book is leaving my voracious appetite demanding more. I am a little worried what’s going to happen when I finish the book, am I going to find myself needing more than what’s to be consumed? I suppose that’s a problem that will have to be sorted out by future me. Now that I have actually finished this book, I have found it was amazing from beginning all the way to the end. I consumed this book way too quickly for my own good, I rated this book 4/5 on my goodreads account. Some of the twists and turns I feel were a little obvious. By no means does that mean that I saw all of them coming. There were certainly times where I had to put the book down for a minute to attempt to p

The Room on Rue Amélie by Kristin Harmel

  The Room on Rue Amélie by Kristin Harmel This book was fantastic! The Room on Rue Amalie. .. I discovered this book while I was travelling through the United States for a couple of days . We were stopped in a Target and I pretty much hung around with the girlfriend long enough to realize they sold books there. Naturally I made a b-line for the section as soon as I realized. I got to the section and ended up finding 2-3 other books to add to my outrageously out of control reading list. Hopefully my ‘to be read’ shelf doesn’t become a place where books go to die. Anyways, I read the book summery and it hit almost all of the points that would make it to my reading list, and perhaps to the forefront of a 450 book to be read list.   This book is recommended for readers who enjoyed Kristin Hannah’s The Nightingale , and Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly which were both books that I thoroughly enjoyed.   Both books that couldn’t p

2019 New Releases

  The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff Set to release January 29, 2019 I have been waiting for months for this book . I have been scouring Netgalley , and applying for advanced copies, and entering into contests to perhaps get my hands on one of the few circulating copies of this book. When I was finally approved to a copy via Netgalley, the formatting was unfortunately not a decent match for my Kobo. So after the long expected wait I have managed to get my greasy paws on a copy, and I have already streamlined this book to be read within the next book or two. Initially while I was doing my research into the release date of this book was saying it was set to be released on February 5 th , but as I was finishing up Broken Angels by Gemma Livewire I found out that the actual release date was January 29 th .             This book starts in 1946 Manhattan with Grace Healey coming to terms and finding some place to rebuild her life after