
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin

  The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin. This book was an interesting book for me. I'm not usually very keen on the romance genre . My genre choices are usually more police procedural, thrillers , along with an outrageous an out of historical fiction , so this book ended up being a stretch for me at best .   A story of a couple of medical students in Charlotte , North Carolina. Zadie Anson, and Emma Colley struggle with the troubles of balancing their personal lives with the work lives in their early twenties. With a second time frame telling their story from further down Emma and Zadie’s lives. Where they are married and have children, and well established careers. That’s when the love interest pretty much finds his way back into everyone’s life after a hot mess of a breakup many years prior, all to have the memories of betrayal, love and loss brought back into the physicians lives. This was a 3/5 star book for me. I there were a

Goodbye 2018 reads, Hello 2019 books! #NewYearNewPages

Every year I set a goal for reading associated with  . For 2018 I set the goal of 22, and managed to finish reading 24... which of course I  was super excited about. For 2019 I set the goal of 29 books, meaning that I have to finish roughly 2.5 books per month. As I am writing this it is January 20th and I am on track to making my first month, which happens to be quite exciting. (Reviews from what I have already read are in the works). Unfortunately it seems that my to be read list is growing wildly out of control, with something like 530 books on it at the start of the year I decided that I should try to cut that down a nugget. So I managed to cut just shy of a hundred books off of my list, this list has become a place where books go to die. Unfortunately as soon as I took a bunch of books off of the list was the same day that I spent time looking at new books and added another 10-20. #dontjudgeme.  Here's to all the amazing books that are going to be read and